Monthly Archives: October 2013

My Age is Showing

This week I tried to be brave. Actually I was brave. I said yes to myself and to the man who lives in the house with me, to learn more about my new phone and how to store my precious written words out there in cyberspace. It didn’t go well.

Take two almost 60 years old (a husband and wife) and put them in the same room, in the evening, after dinner – after each one has already had a long day of doing life, out there in people world and it doesn’t take too long to imagine what might happen.

This is what happened. (full story may appear here after I share it with my writers class next week)

After the step by step instructions of the computer got too bossy for me, I slowly slunk out of my nice comfy chair and ended up on the floor pleading with my man that, NO, I was not going to change my password because I loved my password. And how come I needed to do that anyway? I tell you, it wasn’t a fun rest of the evening. It is amazing how cool a room can become, even if the heat is turned up and the fireplace glowing with a cat sweetly curled up in front of it, ignoring us. Imagine that…

I’d take a picture and post it and do show and tell, but then I’d have to first get it into the computer, then shrink and fit it to size, then upload or download or insert or…well, it just isn’t happening today.

I have other more important details to concern myself with – one being the fact that a large number birthday is approaching. It’s odd how significant numbers become. When I turned 30 life was exciting, children were being born and none of the above consumed my evenings.

When I arrived to age 40 I tried to ignore it and kept on being a busy mom, with kids approaching the teen stage and days seemed to move faster than before.

When age 50 came I went into shock, then had a girl only party and got on with life. By the time I was 55 I accepted the fact that I was in my 50’s. Suddenly 5 more years have passed and I’m an empty-nester who is approaching the senior years. Really!

So, instead of the focus being on babies, toddlers, adolescents, teens, young adults, careers (mine, kids, husband) I’ve graduated to computers, instagrams, i phones, clouds and what seems like a zillion other terms that are now taking up space left by empty-nesting but not empty braining. Though I wonder…


Filed under A Cat's Life, Life Lessons, Writer Writes