Monthly Archives: May 2016

YAY – Painting Project Finished

As promised to my readers but mostly to myself I have finished this project which began on a holiday in Arizona last November 2015.  A more dedicated and experienced painter likely could have whipped it up in a few days however, I am not that person.

This project came together in the midst of ongoing home renovations, Christmas, January blues, ongoing treatment from my car accident in Nov 2014 which includes ice, heat, physio, massage, specific exercises, inflammation and reduction of exercises.  It seems so ongoing and endless.  Currently am in withdrawal mode from my beloved game of Pickleball. Temporarily.

Life with family happens on a daily basis – a son in a career change which brings intense training and gone away for half a year and adult kid travels to world-parts unknown to me which translates into worry, for my mama’s heart.  A daughter in law experiencing solo living while hubby is away in training.  A daughter who loves my back yard and sunny deck loves to pop in and out with tales of her day or week – a revolving door, in the front, then check the fridge, fill the biggest glass with water, out the back door, plop on the lounge chair, chat-chat-chat.  Suddenly it is time to go – with a scramble to gather most of her personal items.  I kid you not there is nearly always something left behind.   Then off she goes, out the fence gate on to who knows what experience or work project.

And, this reminds me – the design, creation then building of a fence around our little yard also happened this spring.  Hubby took care of nearly all the digging, protecting my budding plants (under  the scrutiny of my supervision) and construction and staining – daughter and I put in just enough help to validate our saying “we” built the fence together.

This awesome fence is going to let the wild bunnies know they are no longer welcome to nibble on my baby tomatoes in my veggie garden.  Maybe it will discourage the family of raccoon’s  from coming too close to try and nibble on Thomas the Cat.  There’s a lot of expectation on this fence and I sure hope it can take all the responsibility and pressure as it needs to contain a vast array of shrubs, flowers, climbing roses and other crawly vines I’ve forgotten the names of.  I saw this cool little gadget that fits over fence posts that a potted plant can sit in and  I’d like a couple of those too.

So, all that to say, no wonder it takes me so long to finish a painting….


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Filed under A Cat's Life, Art/Draw/Paint/Create, Life Lessons, Writer Writes